A Thousand and One Illusions for our elders’ is the name of the Christmas solidarity campaign that Califa Vejer is running this year. Through this event, users of the Municipal Residence for the Elderly Los Remedios, will enjoy a special Christmas performance by the artist Toñi Romero, next Thursday, December 22.
The aim, according to Regli Alvarez, director of Califa Vejer “is to bring a little joy and illusion to our elders. That is why this year we have organized this solidarity concert at the town’s municipal residence. If there is something beautiful in all this is that we stop looking at ourselves to look at others and help those who need it most”.
On the other hand from the Municipal Residence for the Elderly Los Remedios “we focus on the benefits of this kind of activities in our residents as they help to improve the general condition of the elderly and promotes healthy habits. So we thank the Califa Group for the solidarity concert they are going to carry out this Thursday”, says Jose Antonio Perez, director of the center.
Gifts for the neediest children
On the other hand, Gloria Arriaza, from the staff of Califa Vejer hotels, and all the staff will be collecting gifts and toys for children with “the aim to help the neediest families in Vejer”.