Califa Vejer sponsors Ahora es corto

Ahora es corto, the international shorts film festival, will take place from September 3rd to 12th in Vejer.

From the beginning in the Califa we think that culture is the lifeblood of a vibrant society, expressed in the many ways we tell our stories, celebrate, remember the past, entertain ourselves, and imagine the future. Our creative expression helps define who we are, and helps us see the world through the eyes of others.

“A world without culture is a world without a future. How would be a life without movies, theatre or tv? We have seen it during the pandemic. We have been able to watch TV, but this does not allow us to see human expression and closeness to the public. You can go to the cinema with friends, listen to the reactions of the people sitting around you or share your own with friends and strangers.

In fact, at the Califa Group we have created experiences that go beyond sleeping in a hotel or dining in a restaurant, it is also a cultural experience. Each Califa hotel or rental house is able to offer an authentic experience. Each restaurant, bar or café conveys different emotions. It is art and architecture, in an incomparable setting such as Vejer.  Everything has a story to tell. It is a multicultural journey without leaving the town. Culture means so much!” says James Stuart, Califa’s CEO.

From left to right, Amanda Díaz, Ahora es corto festival’s director and James Stuart, Califa’s CEO.

“Ahora es corto shorts film festival would like to thank and acknowledge our sponsors and partners. Without their generous support, the festival would not be possible”, says Amanda Díaz, festival’s director.

Ahora es corto is a short film contest that has a very clear slogan, “Small films tell great stories”. The philosophy is to bet on quality cinema, both low and high budget.

The theme and genre are free. Now is short is a good way to bring quality culture to the province of Cadiz. With this festival also aims to move a respectful tourism and committed to culture.

Ahora es corto, the international shorts film festival, will take place from September 3rd to 12th in Vejer.

Why short films? According to Amanda, “Ahora es corto shows more than ever the immediate world we live in: We are absolutely convinced that the short film is going to gain more prominence and importance, becoming as important as the feature film industry in today’s world where brevity is what is valued. It is also a good way to bring together in the same contest established and amateur filmmakers, since the technical requirements to produce a short film are less than those needed for a feature film”.  

Stay tuned we will release more details very soon!

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