Madreselva Hotel re-opens its doors today!

We are absolutely delighted to re-open Madreselva today! “We are ready to offer the best experience to our clients”, says Ana Durán, Hotel manager.

On the cover photo: the manager and part of the staff before the reopening.

An oasis in the heart of Los Caños de Meca.

We have the perfect offer to welcome you back to your favorite hotel! Stay for 1 night at Madreselva Hotel, including breakfast and private parking from 80€.

Offer is available until 13th April 2022 by booking on our website or by calling on +34 956 43 72 55 o +34 647 71 36 08 (whatsapp)

One of the rooms with private terrace.

Imagine an oasis of tranquility between pine forests and the beach. The Madreselva hotel is a one-level building built ‘hacienda’ style, with all the rooms centered around a lush plant-filled courtyard.

Each of the hotel rooms has a small private terrace where you can read, relax, or store your surf equipment. All of Madreselva’s eighteen rooms are equipped with bathrooms and air conditioning. The hotel additionally has a private swimming pool and its own parking.

Madreselva starts a new season welcoming back breakfast buffets using local produce prepared daily that guests can enjoy inside the hotel or in the patio surrounded by nature.

Breakfast is healthy and varied.

Madreselva Hotel has been listed on The Times as one of the 22 coolest Spanish beach hotels.

The Madreselva is located in the heart of Los Caños and is just 50m. from the main beach and a short walk to local bars and restaurants.

Cabo Trafalgar y PN Las Brenas
Faro de Trafalgar.

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