New spring/summer menu at El Jardín del Califa

The new Spring/Season menu of El Jardín del Califa brings us delicious seasonal delicacies with the exoticism and the unmistakable flavor of Middle Eastern and North African cuisine, mixed with the best local ingredients.

The garden.

Our new Spring/Summer menu include sensational starters such as the Beetroot Gazpacho with feta and coriander.

New menu salad recipes like the Palmyra salad with aubergine, black garlic, greek yoghurt and chilli with fresh basil, dill and tarragon or the Baalbek with tomato, cucumber, labaneh cheese, black olives and za’atar.

Palmyra salad.

Another option is the Sebou with
red grapefruit, cherry tomatoes, walnuts, escarola & red lettuce, raisins and feta cheese.

Sebou with grapefruit.

As starters, to share or try individually, the new menu includes, among other dishes, Grilled halloumi with caramelised figs and date syrup or the Black garlic, a Califa speciality of hummus infused with our own slow baked black garlic.

Grilled halloumi.
Black garlic.

Spring/summer menu brings new delicious Specialities of the Chef such as the Slow cooked dish of squid and spinach with a touch of cumin or the Seafood pastela, a fish pastela with sea bass, squid, prawns and mushrooms served with a fish sauce.

Slow cooked dish of squid and spinach.
Seafood pastela.

For tagine lovers new menu features new options like the Milojia, an Egyptian speciality of stewed lamb served with Okra, delicately spiced with a hint of ginger, black pepper and saffron, the Kuzu Tandir, a succulent lamb off the bone with a black garlic sauce with, tomato, shallots and tahini or the Tagine Oasis, an exotic beef tagine with spiced pineapple and prunes.

Kuzu Tandir.
Tagine Oasis.

From the sea it’s possible to try the Fresh tuna cous cous, certified ‘almadraba’ tuna from Barbate with pumpkin and chickpeas, an unique recipe only available at El Jardín del Califa restaurant.

Tuna Cous Cous.

El Jardín del Califa keeps classic dishes on the menu such as pastela, magluba, the Califa mezze – ideal for sharing – Aleppo, barbecued meats and other recipes from the Middle East.

The Barbecue.

Finish your experience with a delicious and unique new desserts like the Pistachio cheese cake with rose petals.

Stay tuned for the new wine menu!

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Carta para alérgenos y intolerantes


El uso de frutos secos es habitual en la comida Magrebí y del Medio Oriente.
Cualquier plato podría contener trazas de gluten, sésamo, almendras, nueces, piñones y frutos secos en general.
La carta está elaborada de buena fé aunque
que en el proceso de preparación de platos se haya pasado por alto algún ingrediente o que haya trazas de contaminación cruzada.