Terms of use of the website


The purpose of these Terms and Conditions is to regulate the free access to the contents of the website www.califavejer.com owned by MAGNUM PLUS, S.L. (hereinafter and throughout the website as CALIFA VEJER), by the User through the Website.



The User undertakes to read and expressly accepts these Terms of Use of the Website, in the version published by CALIFA VEJER at the time the User accesses the advertised contents, having the Terms at his/her disposal, always and in any case, being able to be stored and/or reproduced. Thus, CALIFA VEJER may modify these Terms and Conditions whenever there is sufficient cause or reason, without affecting the content advertised.


Access to the CALIFA VEJER website is free of charge and purchases should only be made if you are of legal age. As a User you agree to:

  • Not to falsify your identity or your date of birth to access the site.
  • Not to use any of the content that CALIFA VEJER makes available to you for illicit purposes.
  • Not to carry out any activity that could damage, overload, deteriorate or impede the normal activity of the Web.
  • Not to obtain the contents provided on the Web by illicit, fraudulent, theft or plagiarism means, in accordance with the provisions of the Penal Code and the applicable regulations.
    In the event that the User causes damage to third parties by making use of any content provided through the Website, he/she expressly exonerates CALIFA VEJER from any liability that may be imputed to him/her. To this effect, as User, you assume exclusive responsibility for any liability that may arise.
    CALIFA VEJER in order to guarantee the rights in compliance with these Terms and Conditions and respect for current legislation may:
  • Proceed to the supervision of the Website through its administrators, with respect for the secrecy of communications and the privacy of the User and in particular, take all necessary measures so that in case of discovering falsification of identity in a minor, the parents or legal guardians are informed when the case arises.
  • To temporarily interrupt the service without notice for technological or legal reasons that will be properly motivated.
  • Modify the Terms of Use of the contents, when there is sufficient cause or reason, so advised by technological or legal reasons.
  • Modify the contents of the Web without prior notice, when for reasons of its activity it deems it appropriate.
  • To prohibit access to the contents, without prior notice, to any User who contravenes the provisions of these Conditions.




Liability of CALIFA VEJER:


  • CALIFA VEJER, shall only be liable for any damages that the User may suffer as a result of accessing the Website when such damages are attributable to willful misconduct on the part of the company.
  • Likewise, CALIFA VEJER shall not be liable for any damage caused to the User in the event of impossibility to provide the service due to acts of God, force majeure or other causes not attributable to CALIFA VEJER.
  • Likewise, CALIFA VEJER shall not be liable for the inadequate functioning of the Web if this is due to maintenance work, incidents, a malfunction of the terminal or its insufficient capacity to support the systems required to make use of the service.
  • CALIFA VEJER will adopt the appropriate measures to ensure a rapid response, without being responsible for delays that are due to telecommunications services.


Responsibility of the User:


  • The User will be solely responsible for the consequences arising from the communication of data that are not true, (including age), as well as data belonging to persons other than the User himself.
  • In case of breach by the User of his obligations, CALIFA VEJER reserves the appropriate legal actions, as well as the right to restrict access to the advertised content.



CALIFA VEJER makes every effort to ensure that the information appearing on the Website is correct and up to date. However, errors or omissions cannot be ruled out, and therefore the User should not consider the information to be accurate without first checking such accuracy with CALIFA VEJER, who cannot control the use that the User makes of the information or content offered on the Website and therefore shall not be liable for any events, acts or damages, direct or indirect, caused to the User or third parties that may arise from or be connected with the use of such information or content.
The User exonerates CALIFA VEJER from any liability that may arise from interruptions in the availability of access to the contents, caused by force majeure or beyond its control, such as the modem, the User’s computer system, navigation software, viruses, interconnection of telephone and electrical networks, ADSL line, fiber optics, ISDN, and/or any other transport or telecommunications infrastructure used by the User.
CALIFA VEJER shall not be liable for any damages that may be caused to the User by contents owned by third parties. The risks derived from accessing content owned by third parties correspond exclusively to the User, who must abide by the terms and conditions of the same, for which CALIFA VEJER shall not be held responsible.



The property of the CALIFA VEJER website belongs to MAGNUM PLUS, S.L., and therefore, it is the owner of the Intellectual and Industrial Property rights of the elements that make up the design of the page, such as the registered trademark, trade name or distinctive sign. In particular, the logos, color combinations, the selection and form of presentation, the source code of the Website, the menus, the navigation buttons, the HTML code, the texts, images, graphics, as well as any other content of the Website advertised by CALIFA VEJER are protected by copyright.
The User may view, print and copy the contents of this Website for his/her private use, being prohibited its use for commercial purposes or the exercise of the exploitation rights: reproduction, distribution, public communication, making available and transformation, recognized in the intellectual property legislation, whose infringement may be subject to legally established responsibilities.
As a user you can view, print and copy the contents of this website for your private use, being prohibited its use for commercial purposes or the exercise of exploitation rights: reproduction, distribution, public communication, making available and transformation, recognized in the intellectual property legislation, whose infringement may be subject to legally established responsibilities.
Likewise, references to other registered or unregistered trademarks or trade names, as well as other distinctive signs, which may be made momentarily, temporarily or permanently, whether owned by CALIFA VEJER or by third parties, implicitly prohibit their use without the consent of CALIFA VEJER or their legitimate owners. At no time, unless expressly stated to the contrary, does accessing, browsing or using the website and/or its contents grant you any right over the distinctive signs included therein.
Nor may you remove or manipulate the copyright indications or other credits that identify rights holders of the contents you find on this website, or protection devices. If you send us information of any kind through our contact form or any other means made available to you through the web, you represent, warrant and agree that you have the right to do so freely, without infringing any rights and that the information is not confidential or harmful to others.



The present conditions are governed by the current Spanish Legislation that is applicable to you. Expressly for the resolution of disputes that may arise as a result of the provisions of these provisions and expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may apply, in case of dispute shall be the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of the domicile of the buyer.
In accordance with Regulation (EU) No. 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013, we make available to the customer the following link that allows access to the European Union online dispute resolution platform, European Union online dispute resolution platform.



If any clause included in these Conditions is declared totally or partially null and void or ineffective, such nullity shall only affect such provision or the part thereof that is null and void or ineffective, and the Conditions shall survive in all other respects.